小加耶樣式 土器의 硏究
(A) study on the So-Gaya style pottery
고고학과 2013. 2 
165 p. : 揷圖 ; 27 cm 
050 4 

A study on the So-Gaya style pottery This study was progressed based on the ideas that there was no whole pottery analysis of So-Gaya and no study on the sub-regionality of So-Gaya so far even though various regional characteristics were checked in So-Gaya region. Based on the detail pottery analysis, the overall pottery culture of So-Gaya is examined in this paper. The sub-regionality is set up as extracting the sub-regional characteristic in So-Gaya. Then, the progress and the structure of So-Gaya is confirmed. Above all, as collecting whole pottery datum, detail attribution analysis and the type classification was done by forms. As considering spatial characteristics as well as cronological characteristics, each type reflecting cronological and spatial characteristics was set up. The phase was divided into five-Ⅰ~Ⅴ-by the occurrence seriation based on the type combination. The appearance and the extinction of forms and types as standard is noticed in the phase set. Each phase belongs each quarter from the second quarter of the 5th century(Ⅰphase) to the first quarter of the six century (Ⅳ phase) and the Ⅴphase belongs from the second quarter to the first half of the third quarter of the 6th century based on the existing cronological idea, the cross dating of pottery with Sueki, Dae-Gaya, Ara-Gaya and Silla, the literature and the harnessry. In the first quarter of the 6th century(Ⅳ phase), as the type and combination of the pottery changes, it can be seen as an epoch-making phase of the So-Gaya pottery culture. Then, after analising the main ruins by the building period, the sub-regionality is confirmed through various points such as the attribution and the type of the pottery, the form combination, the foreign pottery, the burying ritual, the tomb and artifacts buried together. Especially, the rank difference of So-Gaya tombs as well as the sub-regionality is checked through the tomb and artifacts buried together. The sub-regions are set divided into two phases; the mid and second half of the 5th century and the first half and mid of 6th century. In the former phase, the sub-regions are divided into 8 regions; the upper area of the Kyungho river, the mid-downstream area of the Kyungho river, the Masan bay area, the upper area of the Nam river, the mid area of the Nam river, the Hamam Chilwon area, the Yangcheon river area and the Gosung ․ Tongyoung area. In the latter phase, it is separated into two regions; the Gosung area and other area. The latter area separated into the the mid-downstream area of the Kyungho river, the upper area of the Nam river, the mid area of the Nam river, the Uiryeong area, the Yangcheon river area in detail. In the sub-region, there are two cases. First, the index tombs continue to build. Second, the index tombs disappear and new tombs begin to built in the same region. Based on the examination of the remains and sub-region, the fist quarter of the 6th century should be a epoch-making phase as a great mound appears in Gosung intensively and emerged the unique Bungu tomb. It is same with an aspect of the pottery. Lastly, through the overall analysis of the progress of the pottery culture and the relation with surroundings, the structure and region is confirmed. The So-Gaya pottery culture changed from the Ⅰ phase(germinal stage), the Ⅱ phase(establishing stage), the Ⅲ phase(spread stage), the Ⅳ phase(prevalence stage) to the Ⅴ phase(decay stage). The pottery culture region centered Dohangli, Haman in the old-type Dojil pottery phase divided into two pottery culture regions; Ara-Gaya and So-Gaya in the new-type Dojil pottery phase. The So-Gaya pottery culture region is composed by the plural structure and established the broad pottery network in the 5th century . Especially, it maintains a close association with other sub-region centered the mid-downstream are of the Nam river, and a association with the Masan bay and Go-sung ․ Tongyoung region by the South Sea route. It shows an open aspect not only the pottery but many different fields. In the 6th century, the structure should be the unitary structure centered Songhakdong tombs in Gosung or the dualistic structure with the Samga tombs in Hapcheon. There is remarkable difference in Gosung area and the other area in the pottery, the tomb and so no. The sub-regional type increases in the each tombs and the characterful pottery types are found in each area. It means that the wide network built in the 5th century collapses partially and the external influence was accelerated strongly. The Dae-Gaya and Silla style pottery spreads to entire So-Gaya area from this time. In the other area of Gosung, the great mound tomb that the Dae-Gaya style pottery is buried in mainly appears. It should be a result of the indirect influence by the extension of Dae-Gaya. It does not belong to the specific political structure, but rather takes a role as a centre of entrepot trade of exchange making use of it's geographical advantage as a variety of artifacts have it's own character finds from tombs. Thus, Gosung can continue to keep the culture of So-Gaya without the influence of other group's extension. In the second quarter of the 6th century, the change of the So-Gaya style pottery is getting slower and begins to collapse.


Ⅰ. 머리말 1
Ⅱ. 연구사 검토와 연구 방향 3
1. 선행 연구의 검토 3
2. 문제점 인식과 명칭 8
3. 연구 방향 9
Ⅲ. 속성 분류와 형식 설정 12
Ⅳ. 단계 설정과 편년 74
1. 단계 설정 74
2. 편년 86
Ⅴ. 지역별 전개 양상 95
1. 주요 유적 검토 95
2. 소지역성 검토 119
3. 소지역권 설정 138
Ⅵ. 소가야 토기문화권의 변천과 구조 144
1. 소가야 토기문화권의 변천 144
2. 소가야 토기문화권의 구조 및 의의 149
Ⅶ. 맺음말 157
參 考 文 獻 161


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