金海地域에 있어서 軟質土器의 硏究
(The) Inquisition of Soft Potery(軟質土器) About Kim-Hae Districts
慶星大學校 大學院 
사학과 1999. 2 
vii, 170 p. : 삽화 ; 26 cm 

The soft pottery begin to appear it's style in the latter age of Three Hans. It's precursor is the wa-gil(瓦質) pottery. The soft pottery is formed by the influence of the coarce(無文) and wa-gil pottery. Oxidizing flame that is emerged around 600 or 800 C temperature is needed in the manufecturering of this. The soft pottery used to be for coking in common life and for recites in funeral ceremony. About 300 hundred years, from AD 2C that time the soft pottery begin to appear to AD 5C whan the great tumulus disappear around Kim-Hae district, should be divided to four phrase. The first phrase: the soft pottery's advence of by the influence from the wa-gil and coarce pottery. The second phrase: the soft pottery is generalized and begin to manifest it's kinds of variaties and types. But in the latter of phrase Ⅱ, it threaten to prevailence of the soft pottery that the hard pottery'nativity(陶質土器) from the climbing kiln. Therefore the soft pottery's quantity of production start to deduce. The third phrase: the soft pottery is to revive. So both the quantity of excavating and variety of classes increase. But, the climbing kiln is so pervaded that the wa-gil pottery begin to decrease gradually. Besides, some kind of japan-oriented pottery(古式土師器) has been excavated in this time. The fourth phrase: the foreign-oriented pottery make it's appearance outside of Kim-Hae style's and soft pottery. Also, the japan-oriented pottery is aboriginaliged by degress. I have compared the chronicle, the above mentioned, with a couple of soft potteries that has been excavated in some historic relics.( Bu-Won of Kim-Hae, Yong-Won of Jin-Hae, the shell mound of Sung-San) All of that relics have been supposed to shape in the first stage of Three Kingdoms(原三國時代). But, viewing from this antithesis, this time is nearly correspondent with about 150 years through the latter half of 3C(A. D) to the former half of 5C(A. D). As the result, the Kim-Hae type of pottery, has been occupied it's position in the academic world, is not existent really. And, in the latter of Three Hans, the wa-gil and soft pottery diffused broadly. Also it is the era of Three Kingdoms(exactly 3C A. D) that the hard pottery begin to complete it's original form.


Ⅰ. 서언 = 1
Ⅱ. 연구사 = 2
Ⅲ. 연질토기의 개념 = 8
1. 窯 = 8
2. 成形手法 = 9
3. 色調 = 10
4. 계통 및 출현 = 11
Ⅳ. 분묘 및 고분출토 연질토기 = 12
1. 金海大成洞 古墳群 = 12
2. 金海 杜谷 遺蹟 = 19
3. 金海 長有 윗덕정 고분군 = 22
4. 金海 龜旨路 墳墓群 = 27
Ⅴ. 연질토기의 형식분류 = 32
Ⅵ. 연질토기의 단계 및 편년 = 43
1. Ⅰ기 = 43
2. Ⅱ기 = 44
3. Ⅲ기 = 47
4. Ⅳ기 = 50
Ⅶ. 생활유적의 연질토기와 비교 = 51
1. 부원동 유적 = 51
2. 진해 용원 유적 = 52
3. 성산패총 = 56
4. 中島式土器에 관한 견해 = 57
Ⅷ. 결론 = 59
1. 편년 = 59
2. 김해식토기의 검토 = 61
《참고문헌》 = 63
(Abstract) = 65


부산대학교 중앙도서관 (221016)

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  • 중도식토기
  • 김해식토기