加耶地域 橫穴系 石室墓의 變遷과 背景
(The)Transition and Background of Stone chamber Tomb with Side Door in Gaya Area.
인제대학교 대학원 
역사고고학과 고고학 2015.08 
60 p.: 삽도; 27 cm 

 加耶地域 橫穴系 石室墓의 變遷과 背景
 가야지역은 동북아시아 지역에서 가장 늦은 6세기 전엽경 석실묘를 받아들였다. 이후 석실묘는 6세기 후엽부터 가야지역의 주묘제가 되면서 동북아시아의 고분문화는 횡혈식고분으로 일원화된다. 이 시기는 삼국통일 이전의 격변기에 해당한다. 고분이 사회적 분위기를 반영하는 점에서 한반도 남부지역의 격변기와 횡혈식 묘제의 도입은 일정한 상관성이 있다. 이에 따라 가야지역 횡혈계 석실묘를 연구하면, 당시의 역동적 사회상에 접근할 수 있는 실마리를 찾을 수 있을 것이다.
 석실묘 분석은 매장주체부 본연의 특징을 드러내는 내부구조 위주로 다루었다. 내부구조는 연도유무에 따른 횡혈식과 횡구식의 분류, 시상구조, 현실 공간구성, 현실 평면형태, 현실 규모, 천장형태, 벽체 축조방식, 문틀시설 존재양상, 연도길이, 연도위치, 입구위치, 묘향 등을 분석하였다. 이중, 석실묘의 축조기법과 매장습속을 반영하고, 유존성이 높으며, 기본적인 유형분류에 적합한 속성은 현실 평면형태, 연도위치, 입구위치 등이 해당한다.
 횡혈식석실은 현실 평면형태와 연도위치를 속성으로 삼아 4개의 유형으로 분류했다. 그리고 역사적 맥락, 세부적인 속성, 분포권, 내?외부구조의 특징을 토대로 문화적인 계통관계까지 함의한 7개의 유형을 설정했다. 횡혈식ⅠA유형은 수혈식석곽의 묘장구조가 잔존하는 중앙연도 세장방형 석실이다. 횡혈식ⅠB유형은 묘장습속상 왜계 요소가 짙은 중앙연도 장방형의 왜계 석실이다. 횡혈식ⅡA유형은 백제 웅진유형 석실의 영향을 받은 편재연도 장방형 석실이다. 횡혈식ⅡB유형은 호남 동부지역에 분포하는 백제의 편재연도 장방형 석실이다. 횡혈식ⅢA유형은 신라지역의 영향을 받은 편재연도 방형 석실이고, 횡혈식ⅢB유형도 신라 석실묘의 구조적 특징을 내재한 중앙연도 방형 석실이다. 횡혈식Ⅳ유형은 백제 사비유형 석실의 구조를 가진 무연도 중앙현문 구조의 장방형 석실이다. 
 횡구식석실은 현실 평면형태와 입구위치를 토대로 크게 3개의 유형으로 분류하였다. 횡구식Ⅰ유형은 전면입구 장방형 석실로 대형은 창녕계 횡구식석실, 소형은 백제 석실이나 가야지역에서 축조된 횡혈식석실의 영향을 받았다. 횡구식Ⅱ유형은 편재입구 장방형 석실이며, Ⅰ유형을 기반으로 횡혈식ⅡA유형의 영향을 받은 구조이다. 횡구식Ⅲ유형도 횡구식석실에 기초하는데, 횡혈식Ⅲ유형 구조를 모방한 석실로 판단된다.
 가야지역에서 석실묘의 출현은 6세기 전엽 재지 수혈식석곽 구조를 기반으로 왜계 횡혈식석실의 석실구조와 장식성을 받아들인 횡혈식ⅠA유형인 송학동 1B-1호묘에서 시작하였다. 이후 6세기 전엽의 늦은 시기에는 남강유역을 중심으로 일부 고분군에서 횡혈식ⅠA유형이 재지수장급 고분으로 축조됐다.
 확산기에 해당하는 6세기 중엽 조기에는 백제로부터 횡혈식ⅡA유형 석실이 고령지역에 이입된다. 이 구조는 6세기 중엽 만기에 고령, 합천, 남원 등지의 일부 재지 고분군의 수장층에서 채용하면서 대가야지역을 중심으로 확산됐다. 또한 남강유역에서 횡혈식ⅠA유형과 융합한 형태의 석실이 조영되기도 하였다. 이 시기 횡혈식ⅠA유형은 자체적인 발전과 횡혈식ⅡA유형의 확산이라는 외부의 영향으로 차츰 전형적인 횡혈식구조로 변화되어갔다.
 성행기인 6세기 후엽에는 가야가 멸망한 이후로 횡혈식ⅠA?ⅡA유형의 대형분 축조는 중단되었다. 대신 횡혈식ⅡA유형 소형분과 횡구식석실이 성행하는데, 각 고분군의 하위계층에서 사용됐다. 그리고 비교적 대형급은 신라 중앙의 방형 석실의 영향을 받은 횡혈식Ⅲ유형 석실이 유행한다. 지리적으로 내륙권에서는 방형 횡혈식석실→장방형 횡혈식석실→세장방형 횡구식석실 순서의 상하구도가 형성되었다. 그리고 남해안권에서는 방형 횡구식석실→장방형 횡구식석실→세장방형 횡구식석실의 상하관계가 확립된다. 이러한 구도는 6세기 후엽에서 7세기 전엽 사이에 이루어지며, 가야지역에서 석실묘 중심의 묘제체계가 제도화, 규격화, 지역화되는 양상을 보여준다.
 7세기 중엽 이후에는 고분 자체가 감소하는 쇠퇴기로 중대형급의 횡혈식석실은 단독으로 조영된다. 그리고 횡구식석실은 남해안권을 중심으로 기존 고분군에서 2~3기 정도가 축조되는 것에 그친다.
 가야지역 석실묘의 출현 원인은 횡혈식ⅠA유형의 경우 백제의 가야진출에 따라 고성지역 지도층의 시야가 확대되는 인식의 전환이 주요했다. 그리고 이를 바탕으로 주변에서 쉽게 접하는 왜계 석실의 요소를 받아들여 횡혈식석실을 축조한 것으로 판단된다. 또한 내적으로 고성지역 수장층은 다곽식 고분을 축조했고, 초기 횡혈식석실 모델임에도 불구하고 부부장을 적극적으로 실현한 점에서 석실구조의 필요성에 따라 도입한 것으로 보인다.
 횡혈식ⅡA유형은 신라의 적극적인 가야지역 공세 속에서 대가야와 백제의 친밀도가 증가하면서 나타났다. 고아동 벽화고분을 위시한 편재연도 장방형 석실은 대가야와 백제가 결맹하는 532년에서 554년 사이에 이입되었다. 특히 이들의 관계를 염두할 때, 백제인의 이주에 따른 장자 및 조묘집단의 이동에 의해 조영된 것으로 판단된다.
 횡혈식ⅠA유형과 ⅡA유형은 대가야 멸망 이후 신라의 지방으로 편입되면서 자연스럽게 대형분의 축조가 중단되면서 소멸됐다. 그리고 횡혈식ⅡA유형은 신라 중앙의 영향을 받은 방형 석실의 하위묘제로 격하되면서 하위계층에서 널리 유행한다. 방형 석실인 횡혈식Ⅲ유형은 대가야가 멸망한 6세기 후엽이후 등장한다. 그리고 가야지역 고분군 내에서 상위급 묘제로 기능하는 것으로 보아 신라 중앙의 의지가 개입된 것으로 판단된다. 특히 고분군의 분포상 방형 석실은 기존의 가야지역 중심세력이 향유하던 고분군을 벗어난 지역에 거점을 형성했다. 이로 보아 신라는 기존 재지세력의 와해를 통한 가야지역의 통치를 추구한 것으로 판단된다. 
 중심단어 : 가야지역, 횡혈식석실, 횡구식석실, 출현, 변천, 소멸


 The Transition and Background of Stone chamber Tomb with Side Door in Gaya(加耶) Area.
 Dong Heon-Kim
 (Advisor:Prof, Yunjae Cho, Litt. D.)
 Department of History and Archeology
 Graduate School, Inje University
 The stone chamber tomb was accepted by Gaya(加耶) area at 6th century that was latest in North East Asia. After that, the stone chamber tomb became a main tomb system in Gaya area from late 6th century, the tomb culture in North East Asia were unified as a stone chamber tomb with side door. This is the period of upheaval before the unification of three kingdoms. In the point that the time of tomb building reflects the atmosphere of society, there is a certain relationship between the time of upheaval and introduction of stone chamber tomb with side door system in South area of Korean peninsular. If we study stone chamber tomb with side door in Gaya area according to this, we could expect to find the clue to access to the dynamic phase of the society of the time. 
 The analysis of stone chamber tomb has been performed focused on inner structure which reveals the true characteristic of main burial part. For the analysis of inner structure, classification of stone chamber tomb with side door style and that with side entrance according to exists of roadside, structure of dead bed, composition of tomb chamber space, plane, plane shape of tomb chamber, size of tomb chamber, shape of ceiling, type of wall built, existing appearance of door framework installation, length of roadside, location of roadside, location of entrance, direction of tomb etc. were analyzed. Among these, the properties which reflect building technology, burial custom of stone chamber tomb and are proper to basic classification are the plane shape of tomb chamber, the location of roadside, the location of entrance etc. 
 The stone chamber tomb with side door was classified as 4 types by its property of plane shape of tomb chamber and the location of roadside. And 7 types which include cultural system relationship were chosen based on detailed property, located area, and characteristics of inner and outer structure. The stone chamber tomb with side door IA type is a center crosspiece square shape stone chamber in which burial structure of underground stone coffin was existed. The stone chamber tomb with side door IB type is Wa originated stone chamber tomb with center roadside, which has strong influence of Wa(倭) in burial and tomb custom. The stone chamber tomb with side door ⅡA type is one side road rectangle shape stone chamber which was influenced by Woongjin(熊津) type stone chamber of Baekje(百濟). The stone chamber tomb with side door ⅡB type is one side road rectangle shape stone chamber Honam that are distributed in eastern. The stone chamber tomb with side door ⅢA type is the one side road square shape stone chamber which was influence by Silla(新羅) area, and the stone chamber tomb with side door ⅢB type is the center roadside square shape stone chamber which has structural characteristic of Silla stone chamber tomb. The stone chamber tomb with side door Ⅳ type is the rectangle shape stone chamber without roadside and with center door, which has stone chamber structure of Baekje Sabi(泗?) type. 
 The stone chamber tomb with side entrance was classified as 3 types based on the plane shape of tomb chamber and the location of entrance. The stone chamber tomb with side entrance I type is a front entrance rectangle shape stone chamber, and large size one was influenced by Changnyeong(昌寧) originated side entrance stone chamber, and small size one was influenced by Baekje stone chamber or the stone chamber with side door built in Gaya area. The stone chamber tomb with side entrance Ⅱtype is one side entrance rectangle shape stone chamber, and it has structure influenced by the stone chamber tomb with side door ⅡA type based on that with side entrance I type. The stone chamber tomb with side entrance Ⅲ type is also based on side entrance type stone chamber, and it is estimated as copied stone chamber of the stone chamber tomb with side door Ⅲ type.
 The appearance of stone chamber tomb in Gaya area was began from Songhak-dong(松鶴洞) 1B-1 tomb which is the stone chamber tomb with side door IA type, and which had accepted stone chamber structure of Wa originated stone chamber tomb with side door and its decoration based on structure of underground stone coffin structure of the area at early 6th century. After that, the stone chamber tomb with side door IA type was build as tomb for a chief class person in part of tombs centered at Namgang(南江) basin at the end of early 6th century. 
 The stone chamber tomb with side door ⅡA type stone chamber was introduced to Goryeong(高靈) area from Baekje at the beginning in the middle of 6th century, which was diffusing period. This structure was diffused centered at Deagaya(大加耶) area as it was accepted by chief class of part of group tombs of the area in Goryeong, Hapcheon(陜川) etc. at the end in the middle of 6th century. And the stone chamber of combined structure with the stone chamber tomb with side door IA type was also built in Namgang basin. The stone chamber tomb with side door IA type at this time became changed little by little into typical stone chamber tomb with side door by its own development and outer influence of the diffusion of the stone chamber tomb with side door ⅡA type. 
 The building of large size tomb of the stone chamber tomb with side door IA and ⅡA types were ceased after the Gaya's collapse at its peak time at the end of 6th century. Instead, small size tomb of the stone chamber tome with side door ⅡA type and stone chamber with side entrance were prevailed, and those were used by lower class of each group tombs. And for comparatively large size tomb, the stone chamber tomb with side door Ⅲ type stone chamber which was influenced by square shape stone chamber of central Silla. The upper and lower class structure in tombs were formed in the order of a square shape stone chamber with side door → a rectangle shape stone chamber with side door → a crosspiece square stone chamber with side entrance in geographically inland area. And the relationship of the upper and lower class was established as a structure of a square shape stone chamber with side entrance → a rectangle shape stone chamber with side entrance → a crosspiece square shape stone chamber with side entrance in South sea shore area. This kind of structure were formed at between late 6th century and early 7th century, and the phase that stone chamber focused tomb system was systemized, regularized and localized is shown in Gaya area. 
 After middle of 7th century, it is a declining period of ancient tomb itself, and middle and large size stone chamber with side door were built independently. And the building of the stone chamber with side entrance centered at South sea shore area were at only 2 or 3 and they were ceased after those. 
 The reason of the appearance of the stone chambered tomb in Gaya area in case of the stone chamber tomb with side door IA type were mainly affected by cognition change which is expansion of outlook of high class of the society in Goseong(固城) area according to advance of Baekje to Gaya. And it is estimated that based on this, they built stone chamber with side door accepting elements of Japan type stone chamber, which they could contact frequently in surrounding area. And the high class of Goseong area built multi coffin type tomb in inner structure, and it looks like they introduce it according to their need of stone chamber structure in the point that they performed couple burial actively though it is early model of the stone chamber tomb with side door.
 The stone chamber tomb with side door ⅡA type was appeared among increase of familiarity between Deagaya and Baekje in the middle of Silla's strong offensive on Gaya. The one side road rectangle shape stone chamber including Goa-dong mural tomb is introduced at between A.D. 532 and A.D. 554, in which period Deagaya and Baekje were allied. Particularly considering their relationship, it is thought that they were built by movement of elderly son and tomb building group due to movement of Baekje people. 
 The stone chamber tomb with side door IA type and ⅡA type were naturally disappeared by cease of large size tomb according to Gaya's transition as a part of Silla after its collapse. And the stone chamber tomb with side door ⅡA type was widely prevailed in lower class of the society by its degrading as lower class tomb system of a square shape stone chamber which was influenced by central Silla. The stone chamber tomb with side door Ⅲ type which is square shape stone chamber appeared after Gaya's collapse at late 6th century And it is estimated that the political intention of Silla government intervened in the view point that it functioned as high class tomb system in tombs in Gaya area. Particularly the square shape stone chamber in distribution of ancient tombs formed its foothold at the area off tombs possessed by existing main group in Gaya area. According to this, it is thought that Silla sought for rule on Gaya area through collapse of existing local power. 
 Key Word : Gaya area, a stone chamber with side door, a stone chamber with side entrance, appearance, change, disappearance


目 次
Ⅰ. 머리말 1
1. 硏究史 4
2. 硏究方向 12
Ⅱ. 構造分析 15
1. 橫穴式과 橫口式의 分類 16
2. 屍床과 副葬空間 23
1) 屍床構造 24
2) 玄室의 空間構成 29
3. 玄室 바닥 33
1) 平面形態 34
2) 規模 38
4. 玄室 壁體 및 天障 40
1) 天障形態 41
2) 壁體 築造方式 45
5. 玄室 入口 46
6. 羨道 49
7. 玄室과 羨道?入口의 關係 51
1) 羨道 接續位置 52
2) 入口 開設位置 54
3) 石室 方向 55
Ⅲ. 類型分類
1. 橫穴式石室墓
1) ⅠA類型
(1) ⅠAa型式
(2) ⅠAb型式
(3) ⅠAc型式
(4) ⅠAd型式
(5) ⅠAe型式
2) ⅠB類型
3) ⅡA類型
(1) ⅡAa型式
(2) ⅡAb型式
(3) ⅡAc型式
4) ⅡB類型
5) ⅢA類型
6) ⅢB類型
7) Ⅳ類型
2. 橫口式石室墓
1) Ⅰ類型
2) Ⅱ類型
3) Ⅲ類型
Ⅳ. 變遷段階
1. 初現期
2. 擴散期
3. 盛行期
4. 衰退期
Ⅴ. 橫穴系 石室墓로 본 加耶 社會
Ⅵ. 맺음말


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  • 가야지역
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