- 가
- 가
- 목록
- 저자
- 권귀향
- 발행연도
- 2012
- 학위수여기관
- 부산대학교
- 학위논문사항
- 고고학과 2012. 2
- 형태사항
- 78 p ; 26cm
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Up to here, we have explored the transition process of dwelling during Samguk(三國) Age as found in the West of Nakdong-gang River by their built age and by location. The study on the dwelling sites of Samguk(三國) Age attracted substantial interest and there was an academic seminar on this theme in the later part of 2000s. Studies on the structure, space allocation, functions and regional nature went on since then. Regarding the dwelling sites in the West of Nakdong-gang River, which is the study object of this paper, the main stream study-objects were the oval-shape pit dwellings in the West Gyeongsangnam-do area. The author’s study took the pit dwellings in various shapes including the oval-shape pit dwellings and the increasing aboveground building sites as the study objects based on existing study literature. The study method is as following. First, in order to set up the temporal position of the dwelling sites, the existence period of each site had been re-established by quoting the chronological records of earthenware, which had been developed in the studies of ancient tombs. Then the location of individual sites and the arrangement of dwelling sites had been reviewed. The dwelling sites were classified into pit dwelling sites and aboveground dwelling sites. As the common attributes, their arrangement, structure and scale were analyzed. In case of the pit dwelling sites, attributes such as the column pit and oven facility had been drawn out and categorized. As the result, it was possible to classify the dwelling sites of Samguk(三國) Age in West of Nakdong-gang River into; 1) the Southern Coast Area Zone linking Goseong – Masan – Changwon – Jinhae – Gimhae, 2) the Nam-gang River Basin Zone including Hadong – Sacheon – Jinju – Haman areas and 3) the West Inland Area Zone including Hamyang – Geochang – Hapcheon – Sancheong. The characteristic transition process by each zone had been observed. In this chapter, such contents will be summarized in chronological order as the conclusion of this paper. Most of village ruins built during the early Samguk(三國) Age (late 3rd century to early 4th century) are located in the top of hills. Both of the ring type (circular arrangement) and linear type (single line arrangement) are confirmed. Regardless of the zone, pit dwellings had been built. The pit dwellings are circular style and either they do not have column pit or the columns had been built outside the dwelling in a regular manner. Only in the Southern Coast Area Zone, it was possible to find the rectangular pit dwelling sites. In the early Samguk(三國) Age, the location and arrangement of dwelling sites were similar as the extension of existing residential culture represented by the circular pit dwelling sites; however, in the Southern Coast Area Zone, the difference by area became conspicuous such as that four-column style columns are installed in the rectangular pit dwelling sites that had appeared in the previous stage and the villages comprised of aboveground building sites were built. It is believed that, from this timing, the functional division into residential use and auxiliary use had begun, the aboveground building sites became large in scale and the structure of them became more in detail. After the late 4th century, the rectangular pit dwelling sites showed expanding trend in the Nam-gang River Basin Zone and the West Inland Area Zone; however, still the circular pit dwelling sites were the main stream. Especially, wood-burning stove and floor-heating were installed in the circular pit dwelling sites, of which the walls are reinforced by clay without column pit or the column pits were built near the walls. It is judged that this style was the representative dwelling style in Nam-gang River Basin Zone. Since such dwelling style is also found in the West Inland Area Zone, including the Hamyang Hwasan-ri Ruins, it is assumed that the Nam-gang River Basin Zone and the West Inland Area Zone had been sharing the same culture style. In the middle of Samguk(三國) Age, the differences by area became severer. Regarding the location, it is possible to know that the slope at the end of hills and the adjacent alluvial plains were preferred than the top of the hills. In addition, large scale villages appeared and exchange between areas became more active. Road network linking the inside and outside of the villages were built and the dwellings were linearly located in parallel along the roads. In the Southern Coast Area Zone, pit dwelling sites decrease; however, aboveground building sites advanced in various styles and scales. It has been found that the aboveground building was the dwelling style of special villages since the aboveground building sites had facilities with purposes such as earthenware oven, steel-making furnace and docking facility for ships together with advanced road system. Especially, it is noted that such villages are concentrated in Gimhae area. In the Nam-gang River Basin Zone, typical circular pit dwelling sites decrease and villages made of rectangular pit dwelling sites and multiple aboveground building sites are formed. On the other hand, in the West Inland Area Zone, the tradition of pit dwelling sites was solidly maintained; however, rectangular style with wood-burning stove, that have columns in four-column style or do not have column pit, replace the circular pit dwelling sites. The rectangular pit dwelling site with columns in four-column style is the dwelling style frequently found in the Honam area; which can be understood with the context that the West Gyeongsangnam-do Province area in the 5th century is called the “Gaya close to Baekje”. In the late Samguk(三國) Age, the examination was difficult because there were not enough investigation information. Therefore, only some characteristics could be found. The location was similar to the middle of Samguk(三國) Age; however, the arrangement was different. In other words, there are only parallel styles. Regarding the arrangement, the Southern Coast Area Zone had been circular and the Nam-gang River Basin Zone / West Inland Area Zone had been rectangular; however, in the late Samguk(三國) Age, the circular type and the rectangular type were built equally. The aboveground building sites were used in the same style with previous age and it is quite notable that the well was dug in the village. This study examined the dwelling sites in West of Nakdong-gang River from the diachronic viewpoint. However, it was difficult to learn the transition of dwelling sites in stages because the temporal band of each site was too wide since the chronological records of ancient tombs had been used as the standard to define the existence period of dwelling sites. Also, it is regretful that the study-point development could not be generalized since the study objects of pit dwelling sites analysis had not been the whole dwelling sites because the study focused on the ruins from which the arrangement and area could be deduced. Meanwhile, the author also feel the limitation in not having been able to examine the dwelling sites study achievements of the southeastern part of Youngnam area and the eastern part of Honam Chollanam-do area together in this study, because these areas had cultural exchange with West of Nakdong-gang River. The author will take this subject as the next study task and complement the shortcomings of this paper.
Ⅰ. 머리말 1
1. 硏究史 2
2. 硏究目的 및 硏究方法 4
Ⅱ. 遺蹟과 遺物의 檢討 5
1. 遺蹟의 檢討 5
2. 遺物의 檢討와 遺蹟의 編年 36
Ⅲ. 屬性分類·檢討 및 類型設定 49
1. 立地 49
2. 配置 51
3. 住居址 屬性分類 52
1) 竪穴住居址 52
2) 地上式建物址 64
4. 屬性의 檢討와 類型設定 83
1) 屬性의 檢討 83
2) 類型設定 94
Ⅳ. 洛東江 以西地域 三國時代 住居址의 展開樣相 108
Ⅴ. 맺음말 121
참고문헌 124
Abstract 128
부산대학교 중앙도서관 (221016),전남대학교 중앙도서관 (224010)
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